The Diary of a 50-Something Single Woman series started out as a true confessions graphic short story, probably only for the eyes and thoughts of 50-something single women (and their 40-something single friends). But wham! Their daughters and their boyfriends and their friends and other friends and their partners and everyone’s parents all said it was all about them too. And they wanted more. So a series of illustrated stories with psychological under – and over – tones became a quirky and slightly risquĂ© four – soon to be five and six and seven – book collection.
The books follow the almost-love life of an anonymous, naked, sometimes cyclops, sometimes translucent-innards woman who blurts all her innermost thoughts while on her quest for love.
Saucy! Quirky! So amusing! Definitely nothing like them anywhere, ever!
The first four books in the series are: